The Magic of Switching Up Your Life Again, and Again with Career Pro Marci Alboher

Show Snapshot:

Haven’t you always wanted a second act? Meet Marci Alboher—a woman who blew right past a second act, to create multiple encore careers—and who has ideas for helping you do the same. A lawyer turned New York Times columnist turned executive at a social impact nonprofit, Marci is one of the nation’s leading voices on careers and aging with purpose. Her book "The Encore Career Handbook: How to Make a Living and a Difference in the Second Half of Life” is a blueprint for a meaningful next chapter. Bonus, we talk about the benefits of having friends of all ages and why going grey is a power move.

In This Episode We Cover:

1.    How Marci made the leap from law to the New York Times to author to nonprofit leader.

2.    How mentorship played a major role in Marci’s journey and how she pays it forward.

3.    What’s an encore career?

4.    What does it mean to live Gen2Gen? And why does bridging the generational divide matter?

5.    Mentorship as a two-way street, plus’s social impact “internships” for older workers.

6.    The benefits of having friends of all ages, from 20-70.

7.    Why it might be time to go gray.


On Living Gen2Gen:

I'm quite intentional about collecting friends and mentors in their seventies and in their twenties and thirties. You have to make a little effort to do that. And I find that those relationships are really rich. It's where you can learn the most.

On Mentoring:

And I learned as much from them as I think they learn from me. That to me is the whole secret sauce of mentoring--is that it is never one way. That you always receive as much as you give.


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