Cannonball with Confidence into Midlife with Amy Schmidt of Fearlessly Facing Fifty
Think you are too old and it’s too late to do fill-in-the-blank? Meet Amy Schmidt who boldly cannonballed into midlife, becoming a podcaster, author, and TEDx speaker after years as a stay-at-home mom. Now, she has ideas for fueling your midlife mojo.
Parenting (and Midlife) is a Crazy Salad. Writer Melissa Fenton Helps Us Make it Make Sense
Funny, frank talk on surviving teens and midlife from a freelance writer for the AARP and Grown & Flown. We talk midlife sex (spoiler: we're still having it), pelvic floor health, and Internet shopping for -- euphemism alert -- "marital aids." Bonus. Tips on building a freelance writing career.
On Late-Blooming: Author Karen Dukess Debuts a Novel at 56
Novelist Karen Dukess published her first book at 56. She talks midlife creativity, giving yourself permission, and why the fear of not “doing it well” eventually takes a backseat to the fear of not doing it all.
Former Vogue Editor Jennifer Alfano (Now EIC of The Flair Index) Talks Closet Cleanouts, Capsule Wardrobes and Céline Sweaters
Former Vogue Editor and current digital style maven Jennifer Alfano of The Flair Index talks fall’s coziest sweaters and closet cleanouts, just in time for your seasonal wardrobe switch.