Sex and Dating After a Marriage Ends with Memoirist Laura Friedman Williams
What happens when you start dating after 22 years of marriage? Laura Friedman Williams walks us through midlife sex and dating and how to emerge with a rich, sexually fulfilling private life. Raw, honest, hilarious, inspiring, this episode is a cannot miss.
Global Advocate Jody Day on Living a Childless Life
Millions of women never become mothers, by choice or by circumstance. Author and advocate for childless women Jody Day talks finding hope, meaning, and a fulfilling future without children.
Reinvent Your Empty Nest with Ideas from Author Melissa Shultz
Struggling with the idea of an empty nest? Writer Melissa Shultz shares poignant, practical guidance to reinvent your marriage, career, friendship, and life as your children grow up and move out and on.
Love, Loss, and Laughs. A Sad-Funny Journey Through Grief with Author Leslie Gray Streeter
Thrust into young widowhood; writer Leslie Gray Streeter brings a mix of laugh-out-loud funny and tender heartbreak to her memoir “Black Widow” -- crafting a stellar read on picking yourself up when life knocks you down.
Better the Next Day. On Baking, Grief and Mother Loss with Memoirist Rachel Levy Lesser
Author and essayist Rachel Levy Lesser shares ideas for weathering grief, mothering, and claiming joy, one baked good at a time.
Cannonball with Confidence into Midlife with Amy Schmidt of Fearlessly Facing Fifty
Think you are too old and it’s too late to do fill-in-the-blank? Meet Amy Schmidt who boldly cannonballed into midlife, becoming a podcaster, author, and TEDx speaker after years as a stay-at-home mom. Now, she has ideas for fueling your midlife mojo.
Mom-of-Five + Author Jodie Patterson Talks Radical Parenting, Identity, and Beauty
When Jodie Patterson’s three-year-old Penelope said, “Mama, I’m not a girl. I’m a boy,” that declaration set her family on a path of discovery and seismic shifts. Patterson talks mothering, gender, and navigating change with an open mind.