The Magic of Switching Up Your Life Again, and Again with Career Pro Marci Alboher

Marci Alboher has done it all. The lawyer turned NYT columnist, is now a leading aging-with-purpose social impact innovator, who knows a thing or two about “encore careers.” She shares the art and science of reinventing yourself and remaining relevant. Plus, we dish on COVID hair and going gray.

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Create What's Next, Career and Money Season One Create What's Next, Career and Money Season One

How to be a Perennial and Why Agelessness is a Mindset with Gina Pell

Tired of dated-age labels, tech entrepreneur Gina Pell coined the term “Perennials” to describe ever-blooming people of ALL ages who push up against their growing edge, are always relevant, and are not defined by generation. We talk agelessness and how to remain ever-curious. Think books, plus the company you keep.

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